Easy to Make! Black Charcoal Lemonade

This charcoal lemonade is a super healthy, detoxifying twist on a classic drink, and it only takes about 3 minutes to make. The activated charcoal gives the lemonade its super black hue, as well as all of its amazing health benefits.

Easy to Make! Black Charcoal Lemonade

Uh, yeah. I know this charcoal lemonade looks super weird. Gross even? Or maybe like I’m early for Halloween?

But I am positively in love with this healthy detox drink. Because a) it doesn’t taste healthy and b) it definitely doesn’t taste black. I’m all about the holistic living, but could not drink something that tastes black. Call me prissy.

What does charcoal lemonade taste like?

Charcoal lemonade tastes like lemonade. That’s it! It doesn’t taste gritty or black or charcoal-y or smoky or burnt whatsoever.

Activated charcoal is different from regular charcoal or char. The latter are carcinogens, whereas activated charcoal helps with everything from detoxification to digestion to even seriously curing my stomach flu. Really! My very own! I couldn’t believe it.

Activated charcoal is made from everything from bone char to coconuts or olive pits. It’s processed at a very high temperature to “activate” it, changing its structure and giving it those amazing benefits that make people drink black lemonade.

The best part (Maybe?) is that it really doesn’t taste at all, and the powder is so fine that it blends in easily to most liquids. Enter… charcoal lemonade!

Why This Charcoal Lemonade Is So Good

  • This recipe only takes 4 ingredients and 3 minutes to make.
  • The activated charcoal gives this lemonade a super healthy and aids in everything from digestion to heart health, anti-aging to stomach viruses and hangovers (Really!).
  • This charcoal lemonade is sweetened with maple syrup, making it naturally paleo and vegan.
  • There’s a simple keto option, thanks to liquid keto sweeteners like monkfruit or stevia.


  • 1/2 cup fresh lemon juice
  • 1/4 cup + 2 tablespoons pure maple syrup see Note for keto/low carb
  • 3 capsules activated charcoal about 1/2 teaspoon
  • 4 cups water

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